How to Judge at a Competition

At most competitions you will be expected to judge, this can be a little daunting for some but also a great opportunity to help out, meet others and get involved.

We have put together some tips on how to be a good judge and what you should look for in movement standards

  • Always listen to the brief given before the workout so you are clear on the movements and how the workout flows
  • Ask questions at the briefing if unsure of anything
  • Introduce yourself to the individual or team you are judging
  • You will need a score sheet this will be given to you by the team/individual you are judging or the organisers may give it to you
  • Ask the competitors if they want you to count aloud for them
  • After the workout, the competitors will need to sign the score sheet and then it goes to the scorers this may be done by you or the team
  • If you have to no rep someone call it out clearly so they know and tell them why if you have a chance
  • In regards to no reps, do not be the judge that lets everything slide this is not fair to others and will not educate the competitor, if it is an obvious no rep call it out loud, if it is borderline I give one warning and say the next will be a no rep if you do not do what they need to do
  • Stand where you can clearly see what is happening
  • Know the flow of the workout so you are on the ball and don’t get in the way
  • You can not help put weights on or adjust equipment

Movement Specifications

  • Squatting hip crease has to be below knee crease
  • Wall balls have to hit the target and squat has to be hip crease below knee crease, they most catch the last wall ball to count, they can’t start in the squat
  • Hips have to be locked out in deadlifts and the bar most touch the ground
  • Kettlebell swings in American need to be above the head in line with shoulders, Russian are in line with eyes
  • Burpees everything must touch the ground, can step or jump up unless otherwise stated, at the top hips to be extended and clap above head
  • Burpee over bar usually hips do not have to be extended
  • Box Jumps have to be a jump unless stated, hips to be locked out at the top of the box
  • Box Jump overs can be a full jump over the box with no touching the box, depending on competition can be a step up and over with one foot touching or two, generally hips do not have to be locked out at the top of the box, both feet have to leave the ground at the same time if jumping
  • Thrusters the squat depth is hip below knee crease and then full lockout of knees, hips and elbows with bar above head for 1 rep, if they squat clean the bar on the first movement this can be counted as the start of the first rep
  • Hang clean or snatch is from above the knee
  • Cleans the lift is finished when knees, hips are locked out, elbows most be clearly through and not dropped under the bar
  • Snatch the lift is finished when knees and hips are locked out and bar is locked out above head
  • Pressing the movement is finished when knees, hips, elbows are locked out and the bar is above the head
  • Single arm press knees, hips, elbows locked out
  • Split jerk movement is finished when knees, hips, elbows are locked out, feet are in line with each other, bar is above the head
  • Deadball Clean has to go over the shoulder they can not have the deadball go over the side of your arm
  • Pull-ups have to have chin over bar, arms must be straight on hanging part
  • Chest to bar – chest has to touch the bar and arms must be straight on hanging part.
  • Muscle-ups – must have lockout of elbows at the top of the movement
  • Handstand push  up – Head to touch the ground and then full lockout of arms and legs at the end of the movement or feet have to go over a line marked on the wall, if they full of the wall before lockout this is a no rep
  • Toes to bar – toes have to touch the bar together, or hanging knee raises the knee has to come above the hip crease
  • Push-ups – Chest has to touch the ground and lockout of elbows at the top of the press
  • Sit-ups hands have to touch behind the head and then touch the ground by your feet
  • Handstand walk, competitor to start behind the line marked, once a foot comes down that is where they have to restart from, they must have both hands over the finish line and finish with legs on the finish side of the finish line to count

I hope this helps and has you feeling ready to judge

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